Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fugitive trails of fire trace daisies in the sky

(On the occasion of the engagement of two very good friends)

Fugitive trails of fire trace daisies in the sky
While brilliant pinks draw streaks hot and bright
And jubilant bubbles pop, climactic, to announce the light
Simmering joy and elation singe the air up high

Down below, you lovers say your deep-throated vows
With breaths steaming in passion burnt white
As you devote yourselves, touch, sound and sight
To life, to love, forever and right now

The fire of your rapture burns and melts the ore
That joins you together in your tender covenant
Not with shackles, but with wings that Cupid lent
To one each, so that together you can soar

1 comment:

  1. roses are red
    violets are blue
    you and i will still stick together
    like papers with glue!

    thanks for the poem and more so thanks for the sentiments behind the poem!!
